Friday, January 29, 2010

Back To School: Of PCAs and of Freezing Weather

Hey readers, though there be few. I certainly hope this blog update meets you well, and also I hope you've not been waiting too long for a new one (I really doubt you have).

So, what's been happening with me over these past few weeks? Well, for starters, I'm finally back to school (hence the lateness in posting), and I must say it is good to be back! Vacation is good and all, but let's face it, it can only go on for so long before I'm ready to drive over a bridge (which is impossible, by the way, because of those lovely guard rails on each bridge...). However, the night before I came back, my PCA asked me if I could hire a secondary part time aid as a relief to himself. That's where I'm at now.

So, my PCA, Boris... What's that? You don't know what a PCA is? Oh, well then I believe it is learning time! Students, take up your pens - this is important: PCA stands for personal care assistant (or attendant, which ever). Their basic duty is to help me out in the bathroom, help me with getting dressed, and anything else I need. In short, they are Godsends, without whom I would not be able to live at school, and would definitely not be going to Boston for school next year.

So anyways, the night before I came back to school, my wonderful aid, Boris, asked me if I could start looking for someone part time so he'd be able to focus on homework more this semester. After this, I started calling a few people I thought may want the job, as they'd expressed interest before. The conversations went something like this...

ME: "Hey Lumpy (that's his name!), some hours opened up as far as being my PCA goes. Still want to do it?"
Lumpy: "Dan, I got a job. Try giving Animal (I have some odd friends...) a call!"
Me: "Wassup Animal?"
Animal: "NO! -click-"

So now I was left without anyone to take some of Boris' hours. Where should I go? Where else but the most sketchy website on all of the internet: CRAIG'S LIST. Let me start by saying that you should be prepared for some CREEPY responses when your ad reads, "Need help in bed and in shower. 18+ Men only." Just don't do it.

Anyways, I posted my ad and had multiple strange but nice people asking about the job. However, I finally received a response from someone who I thought would be perfect for it, even before meeting him. I was right. (^_^) He stopped by Wednesday night and has the job now. But that's enough of PCAs. Can we discuss this weather lately?

I do not know about most of you, but a wind chill of -2, in my opinion, should be enough to cancel classes! This day has been, to say the least, unpleasant, especially considering I have at least a fifteen minute walk (drive, in my case...) from my dorm to the building where my classes are held. Here's something I never experienced before: as you go uphill, the wind gets worse, to the point where you may feel it would be better to simply shatter your now frozen fingers and get it over with, than it would be to just go those extra couple minutes further with the agonizing feeling of glass-like fingers.

But that's enough of that. I really haven't anything else to say for tonight. I will wish you the best, and bid you adieu.